Kindly Read And Change The World.
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Today i will discuss about discrimination. What do u think about discrimination? Discrimination is unfair treatment, different treatment between one person to another. Discrimination happens because of alot reasons,Its including differences in Gender, Skin Color, Religion, Racis, Social Status, Difable.etc. Discrimination can cause stereotype which is negative thought or Negative prejudice For example : 1) a dad from conservative family banned his daughter to follow martial class or karate class just because she's a girl, and her dad think this is only for boys. 2) a girl come to famous restaurant using simple dress, less make up and the waitress behave unkind to this girl. In same time, a lady come to same restaurant using formal dress with alot jewelry in her body, the waitress give different reaction to this lady, waitress treat her well, kind, explain favorite menu in this resto. 3) people treat and give different behavior to difable people and normal people, most of them behave underestimate to people with difable, even they give bullying and see as a lower level 4) people in this world still think that white skin is better and maybe the best than another skin color. 5) international airport on western country give different treatment to girls who wearing hijab and non hijab. Airport officials check them very strict because they are Muslim and linked to terrorists issue Examples above only little example that maybe happened around of us, its sad and tragical but its real, and happened in our society. Maybe we can say that Allah never see us from outer skin but Allah see us from our heart, but in fact..its opposite from that. Yeah..its bitter truth and always happens all time, maybe without we realize we become part of that society. So guys... without see differences from us, Let's see people just because they all human, creation of Allah that have same rights as other without see people from other sides,, its not easy , i know that... Coz its also part of human cultures and its happened in all countries. but I hope we all together can make positive change to our world. Let's make little Change for a better world.. May Allah bless all of you.
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